This is about Training of Trainers and Curriculum enhancement

Start by partnership needs assessment plan followed by mapping out key partners to be reached for collaboration.

GESCI through AKE did collaborate and the role of the collaborating partners was to provide technical expertise and experience to the programme in view of:- the identified gaps during Roundtable and Solution design workshop; the identified shortcoming of the programme by the Irish Master tutors when they conducted training needs assessment through the Training of Trainers and curriculum enhancement workshop; and from the expert feedback received during Friday screen ups and all those numerous Showcases held by AKE in the training and Upskilling phase.  The industry expert group will contributed to:

  1. Facilitation and delivery of skills training on the identified training gaps for the AKE program, AKE tutors and AKE participants.
  2. Module development for identified gaps such as Cinematography, scripting, Entrepreneurial skills, fine/colour art and Intellectual property rights.
  3. Identification of gaps and Opportunities that AKE project can tap into.
  4. Provision of either Start-Up support through the Start-up accelerator program and/ or placement/employment opportunities to the participants post AKE program.
  5. Mentorship of the AKE participants in the three core areas of Animation, Games & Mobile Apps, and Music & Sound design Music Production & Sound Design and Entrepreneurship.
  6. Enrichment of the LL Research model in development and the AKE project portal
  7. Evaluation and Impact Assessment of the AKE model in development.
  8. Audition of local tutor performance and provision of feedback on the areas in need of attention for improved service delivery.
  9. Evaluation and advice on the commercial potential of the participants’ projects and the value of participant-developed start-ups.

 Round-table and Solution design

The GESCI team in Nairobi has developed a  tool to capture ideas from the participants in the round table. The main aim is to recruit the help of visitors today, and capture ideas that will help all the projects move forward into viable ventures by 2016.

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